I've had the privilege of knowing Synthia as a friend for over 20 years, and I can confidently say that she is one of the most sincere and kind-hearted people I've ever known. Her friendship has had a profound impact on me, both growing-up and as an adult. Through our conversations and coaching sessions, Synthia has brought a remarkable lightness and clarity to my life. She has an extraordinary ability to help me tap into energy reserves and enthusiasm that I thought were long lost. Our discussions have covered a wide range of topics, from the challenges of living far from family and the complexities of raising children, to juggling volunteer church responsibilities and navigating the frustrations of nutrition plans. We've also explored how to find fulfillment in our life choices and situations. What truly sets Synthia apart as a life coach is her exceptional skill in active listening. In her presence, I have always felt genuinely heard, safe, and entirely comfortable. Synthia possesses a unique talent for pinpointing patterns in my thinking that I hadn't noticed, and for shedding light on angles to situations that I hadn't recognized I was stuck in. She's adept at suggesting innovative ideas and offering advice that I hadn't encountered before. Synthia is an absolute gem of a person, and I consistently look forward to any opportunity I have to engage in meaningful conversations with her. Her coaching has been instrumental in helping me navigate life's complexities and challenges, and I have no doubt that she can make a profound difference in the lives of others as well. 

-Victoria Samuelson 

Synthia is truly a phenomenal coach!  I am very familiar with life coaching and yet Synthia took me to breakthroughs with my eating and thoughts around food that I had never experienced before.   One example, I would frequently sort of "give up" halfway through a day on eating healthy if I had "messed up the day" with some unhealthy food.  My thoughts told me that after the mistake I'd made I wouldn't lose any weight so I might as well just start again tomorrow and enjoy the day.  Synthia helped me recognize that those were simply thoughts and I could instead choose to think "I have eaten some unhealthy food today, but the rest of the day I can choose healthy food.  I may not lose weight today, but I can maintain....or at least not gain as much." This was a pattern and thought process that I had never recognized before and has been very helpful! Synthia is kind and compassionate in the process and helped me be more compassionate towards myself.  I always came off the call feeling motivated and able to turn the changes I wanted to make into reality.  As a busy mom herself you know she gets the realities and time constraints that moms face!  -Mary

I have loved my time with Synthia Simonsen! From the very first conversation I have felt like Synthia has truly listened to learn about me, my goals, where I am, and what my strengths are. She has provided me with some wonderful insight regarding my family relationships, my career goals and aspirations, as well as my struggle with dating confidence. While Synthia has challenged me to move beyond my current perspective and comfort zones she has balanced these suggestions with affirmations of my current strengths and talents, often giving me new ideas on how those strengths can benefit my growth. In my experience Synthia is an open and accepting person who isn’t pushing her agenda, beliefs, or values on others, rather she has encouraged me to more fully accept myself and live according to my own conscience. I would highly recommend coaching sessions with Synthia for anyone looking for new perspective and growth on their personal journey.  -Amy

Life-Changing Transformation with an Incredible Life Coach! 

I've had the privilege of working with Synthia as a life coach this last year and her intuitive ability to understand my aspirations and challenges is remarkable. I've enjoyed every opportunity to be coached by her. She is relaxed, easy to talk to, and compassionate. Synthia creates a safe and open space for me to share my thoughts, dreams, and fears without any judgment. My sessions with her have felt like a personalized journey, tailored to address my unique needs and goals. I have spent many years learning and practicing CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy. I understand the importance of identifying one's thoughts and beliefs and questioning the truthfulness of them. I wasn't sure that there was much more a life coach could offer me. Coming from this place, Synthia listens attentively but also asks thought-provoking questions that lead me to explore my inner self in ways I haven't done before. I love this fresh approach and continue to learn from her insights. Synthia truly has a genuine passion for helping others that shines through in every interaction. She always asks about my "victories" and celebrates them as if they were her own. Her empathetic nature makes me feel truly heard and understood. It's clear she derives joy from seeing her clients thrive. Thanks to Synthia's coaching, I've achieved milestones in my personal relationships and a deeper connection with myself. If you're seeking a life coach who is compassionate, insightful, and dedicated to your growth, look no further. Synthia has been a guiding light on my journey, and I'm forever grateful for her wisdom and support. Here's to embracing positive change and living life to the fullest and thanks to an incredible life coach!  -Anonymous

I am the kind of person that likes to do things on my own, solve problems, take care of things, and be strong. Sometimes that can be damaging and internally hurts myself. Synthia helped me see things about my self that I can change and thought processes that really don’t make sense that I have been telling myself for years. I have shifted my self doubt thoughts to positive encouragement and it has helped as I navigate through making changes in my life. As always Synthia helped with her talent of listening, humor, confidence in me and her natural gift to be able to see everyone in their strengths.     -Carly 

Being coached by Synthia has given me the ability to step back and approach life’s circumstances with new perspective. I have been coached for personal and business needs and have been amazed at how much being coached has changed the way I set up my daily schedule and has improved my mindset regarding work/family life balance. I didn’t think I needed coaching, but thought I’d give it a try. I am so glad I did. I have known Synthia for 20 years and in those years have been able to work with her in leadership, business and personal settings. In all those settings she has had the unique ability to approach situations with empathy, understanding, and level headedness. She is very good at setting emotions aside and focusing on priorities and outcomes. I highly recommend Synthia. If you are looking for a fresh perspective on life, improved mindset, and clarity on priorities, she’s your girl!  

-Katie Wyatt 

I didn't recognize the value of life coaching until I met with Synthia. As her friend of several years, I knew of her genuine desire to help people find success and joy, but I didn't know she was developing her gift into a professional skill. When I had the opportunity to meet her as a life coach, she helped me see my daughter's behavior in a new light. She helped me look past my frustration to find the root of it, my fear of something worse. Then she helped me identify a path to improve our relationship. I realized that having a life coach is like having a personal, non-judgmental guide, carefully navigating me through the jumbled infrastructure of my brain! Let's do it again!  -A Humble Friend

Synthia has coached me for a number of months now, and I have experienced such amazing internal growth during that time!  She has helped me work through my thoughts on topics surrounding food and weight, relationships, shame, parenting struggles, and so much more.  Our sessions leave me feeling more clear, balanced and in-control.  The insights and tools I have gained are so valuable.  I'm so grateful for her expertise and sensitivity!  I'd highly recommend her to anyone!  -Shana R.

Synthia has been a dear friend of mine for years & is such a joy and a delight to be around!  She truly sees the best in others, has an optimistic view of life, and yet is encouraging & inspiring at the same time.  When I recently got coached by Synthia about all my drama about my kid’s bedtime, she was very relatable & shared personal stories of her own journey with her family over the years.  She helped me to see that while I had many seemingly beautiful expectations for bedtime, it actually felt more like a heavy pressure to live up to instead of inspiring me to do better.  A few new thoughts she offered to me that were helpful was:  “Maybe it’s okay if bedtime isn’t fun.”  “This is just what we do.”  “I can handle bedtime!”  She reminded me that as I am more compassionate with myself about my kid’s bedtime, it will then help me to be more compassionate with my kids as well.  Synthia is such a gift as a friend, a Life Coach & to the world!  -Michelle P.

I had such a great experience being coached by Synthia.  She's intuitive, creative and a master teacher--but also so approachable and warm.  I asked for help with establishing healthier morning and nighttime routines for myself.  Rather than the typical approach of "creating a schedule" Synthia asked brilliant questions to help me understand the why behind my current habits and patterns.  It was very eye opening for me.  This was all done without judgment--I just felt seen and understood.  I had so much more traction with this approach than the countless attempts I had made by myself.  Since coaching with Synthia I have successfully been going to gym every morning for the last 6 months followed by meditation and scripture study.  It's made a massive difference in my daily life.  Synthia is not only an amazing coach but a lifetime friend.  Long before Synthia had the official coaching credentials she has been a natural coach--one that's talked with me through many of the challenges of my life.  I'm so grateful for Synthia in my life.  -Annie Jorgensen

Synthia was a tremendous coach. To be honest I was skeptical of life coaching until multiple people in my family coached with Synthia and said talked about how much it was helping them in their day to day. I have been able to bring to her some tough decisions about work as well as emotional hurdles I have dealt with. In both cases there was a logical deliberate approach to the coaching. What I appreciate most is though I would assume Synthia herself has some good advice, this coaching wasn’t filled with her own opinion. It was more her helping me understand my own problems better and helping me see a clear path with solutions I have come up with. Overall I definitely recommend Synthia as a life coach.  -Skylar

I was lucky enough to be coached by my amazing cousin Synthia Simonsen. As long as I’ve known her she has shown her love and compassion for everyone around her. She is patient and understanding and her only goal is to elevate others. I have dealt with depression and social anxiety all of my life. In my chats with Synthia we would talk about where these feelings came from and what tactics I could use to face them. We learned about “being a compassionate observer of your own brain.” As someone who is so harsh towards myself, these words have stuck with me in difficult times. We all need to be kinder to ourselves. I am so grateful for the relationship I have with Synthia as a cousin and as a life coach and I would recommend her to anyone who needs that little bit of extra help.  -Kaylee H. 

I was privileged to have a coaching session with my sister-in-law Synthia. She has blessed my life in many ways through the years, but this coaching session was special. After recently having a baby, I found myself with a bit of postpartum anxiety. I am a teacher, and the thought of going back to school and putting my daughter in daycare was stressing me. Synthia helped me to understand the feelings and really dissect them, instead of marinating in them I was able to see where those feelings were coming from and learned to address them. Synthia is caring, calm, and dedicated to helping others feel seen, heard, and capable.  -LC

Synthia is a great listener. She is also really good at not judging me in our coaching sessions, which I have appreciated as I've needed help with some big things recently. She is able to lovingly explore with me why I am feeling a certain way and she's helped me to create a few dreams that really inspire me right now. I would recommend her to anyone and I appreciate the vision she has in our sessions and how she's empowered me to see my life in a new and exciting way and get through some hard things that have been holding me back.  -Anonymous

Synthia Simonsen is an extraordinary life coach! She has been a lifelong friend for over two decades, and has consistently motivated, and believed in me to become the best version of me. Her passion for helping others, seeing their divine potential, and supporting them to meet their goals has been her gift to all of us. She has had extensive leadership experience, and roles in her younger years throughout adulthood. She is talented with working with groups of people as well as individuals, and knows how to help them accomplish something great. I recently have had the privilege of being coached in both a 1 on 1 session as well as a group session. These sessions were eye opening, and had several gems of insight that inspired me to make changes in the way I think about motherhood, and my confidence/connection with myself. I really enjoyed learning the process of how our thoughts lead us, and how we can overcome our negative thinking. The greatest lesson I have learned is that investing in one on one coaching has changed me forever, and allowed me to overcome so many obstacles in the way I had personally perceived myself. You can never go wrong in learning how to become the most confident, and best version of yourself! Thanks to @synthiasimonsen coaching for giving me the opportunity, and tools to become the better me!  -Candace E.